Items where Division is "School of Medicine" and Year is
Number of items: 3.
Muthia, Rahmi Bukti Korespondensi : Pharmacognostic Study of Sangkareho Root (Callicarpa longifolia Lam.) from Pelaihari, South Kalimantan. UNBL.
Muthia, Rahmi Bukti Korespondensi : Standardization of Eleutherine bulbosa Urb. Bulbs and Total Flavonoid Content from Three Locations in Kalimantan, Indonesia. UNBL.
Muthia, Rahmi and Musfirah, Yaumi and Candrakirana, Septiyani Dokumen Similarity UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIDIARE EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN MENGKUDU (Morinda citrifolia L.) TERHADAP MENCIT GALUR BALB/C YANG DIINDUKSI BAKTERI Salmonella sp. UNBL.